
How Children Behave Tribally Within a Family

How Children Behave Tribally Within a Family

“Children need to feel like they are a useful part of their present-day tribe, i.e. their family. In the Stone Age, if you weren’t loved and accepted by your tribe, it meant, quite literally, that you were going to die. You needed to be part of a tribe to survive.”

10 Natural Ways to Address Depression Naturally, Improving Self-Esteem

10 Natural Ways to Address Depression Naturally, Improving Self-Esteem

...when you are depressed, you tend to turn inward and isolate yourself, which strengthens the depression. Often there is that negative voice that has crept in and told you that no one cares or there isn’t anyone who understands you or you’re never going to come out of this. I know it feels like you’re paralyzed, but you’re not. There are things you can do.

Hypnotherapy To Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life

Hypnotherapy To Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Life

"Contrary to how it may feel, we are not captives of our thoughts. Taking control of our minds and creating more happiness and more self-love absolutely alters the trajectory of our lives because our behavior will be different. We will move through the world in a different way."